LUL "Logger Ultra Léger" - Ultra Light Logger
The LUL is the tiniest bio-logger of the family. While measuring temperature, light and pressure every minute, it provides a 1,5 years life time for a total weight (including batteries and casing) of just 2,0 grams. Casing is customizable according to the intended use (biocompatible casing for implantation or pressure resistant for deep diving use); the size and nature of batteries can be adapted to the application and the temperature conditions.
- Sampling period: from 1sec to 24h
- A/D conversion: 14-16 bits
- Memory size: 64 MB
- Programmable start delay: from 1 min to 1 year
- Operating temperature: -40°C to +70°C
Temperature measurement
- Range : -35°C to 65°C
- Precision: +/-0,5°C
- Resolution: 0,02°C
- Time constant in water with standard casing: 17sec.
Pressure measurement
- Depth range in water: 50m or 300m, precision: +/-5cm or +/-30cm.
- Altitude range in air: 0 to 5000m, resolution 40cm at seal level
Light measurement
- 0,045 to 188 000 lux
Physical dimensions
- Electronics size: 16 x 8 x 4mm3
- Electronics weight: 0,76g
Low temperature LUL version, with battery for long term operation at -35°C
Low temperature operation requires a special battery, which doesn't exist in ultra-small weight and dimensions
Battery: 17 x 15 x 7mm3 5,0 grams
LUL with battery and casing: 22 x 21 x 15mm3 7,7 grams (see pictures).
Lifetime of loggers versus acquisition periods for: Pressure P, temperature T and light L (examples):
PTL = 1", 10", 10" > 320 days (10 months)
PTL = 2", 10", 10" > 550 days (1,5 years)
PTL = 4", 10", 10" > 860 days (3,2 years)
*When >-15°C operation is convenient, another battery technology can be used, thus reducing weight and size of the logger. Please contact us for discussion.
*Casing is designed on demand.